A beautiful collection of Holiday homes in Weymouth, Dorset

  • Feel welcome, feel rested, feel home

Hi, I’m Georgina, and welcome to Host. A considered collection of holiday properties on the Jurassic Coast, each with its own cosy character, and its own wonderful story.

Places where you can switch off- really switch off- and feel settled from the moment you open the door. 

From a stylish loft just a stone's throw from Overcombe beach, to a hilltop home with views of the sea, each property is unique, and special in its own way. Each one a beloved piece of family history given a new chapter. 

For me, that ‘home away from home' feeling is all about the little things. The smell of fresh coffee in the morning; the gentle scent of lavender as you fall asleep. Milk in the fridge, freshly washed linen, the feel of soft, fluffy towels. Countless little nudges inviting you to unwind. 

I take your holidays seriously. From my welcome guide that changes with the season, to the hamper of treats waiting for you when you arrive, I do everything I can to give you the best experience possible. Making sure that wherever each day may take you, it begins and ends with a place that feels like home.

I’m Georgina. A slow-living enthusiast, a writer, an enthusiastic (albeit novice) gardener, and founder of Host, Dorset.

I’ve been coming on holiday to Weymouth for as long as I can remember. I’ll never forget the excitement of packing up all our belongings and heading down south for the summer. Watching the flashes of grey turn gradually green. The butterflies as we pulled into the driveway, the feeling of opening the door for the first time. 

There was always a magic in coming down here. We’d arrive, and the stress of the city would fall off my parents and we would spend quality time together as a family. It was my favourite time of the year when I was little and I adore watching guests arrive to their holiday homes as I remember that magical feeling so well.

When you stay in one of my holiday homes, that’s the kind of experience I want you to have. Not just a change of scenery, but a change of mindset. A chance to get so lost in a book your hot drink turns cold beside you. To build sandcastles, flip rocks to find crabs underneath, and throw pebbles into the waves from the shoreline. To turn a wet and windy dog walk into ‘an adventure’ the kids will never forget.

More than anything, I want to give you a chance to forget the world you left behind, and reconnect with the people who matter most.

Why Dorset?

I’ve lived in Dorset since I was ten years old, and I still find myself loving it more and more every day!

You can drive 15 minutes in one direction and find yourself deep in a forest. Nothing but birdsong, the wind in the trees; the hushed creak of boughs. 15 minutes the other way, and you’re in a bustling town centre. Shops, buskers and buses, coffee and tasty food

There’s cute little villages and thriving seaside towns. Busy beaches, and mile-upon-mile of untouched sand. You can cold-water swim, or jog along the seafront. There’s paddle-boarding, kite surfing, windsurfing, surfing-surfing!

Dorset is the perfect place if you want lots to do. And if not? It’s the perfect place to do absolutely nothing.

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